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43 Minecraft Trivia Questions and Answers

If you love playing Minecraft, then you’re sure to enjoy our Minecraft trivia challenge – let’s discover how much you know about this best-selling, globally-successful game!

Did you know there are currently over 100 million users playing Minecraft and that more than 200 million purchases of the game have been made?!

General Trivia Quiz (Easy and Hard ...

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In our Minecraft trivia, we will challenge you to answer questions on all aspects of the game, from its development to its success, and of course, the gameplay

If you’re a caregiver who wonders why your child is so obsessed with Minecraft, then hopefully, you’ll find out all the things that contribute to making this game so addictive to so many. 

We have crafted 5 rounds and wish you luck for all of them!

Table of Contents 

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General Minecraft Trivia Questions and Answers 

In the opening round of our Minecraft trivia, you will be questioned about many aspects of the game before we delve into our more specialized rounds. 

Questions here are a mixture of easy, medium, and hard

We challenge every player to get past this first round with a clean sheet!

Ready to see how much you really know about Minecraft?

Here we go! 

1: In what year was Minecraft fully released?Show Answer2: Minecraft has been used in educational environments to teach computer science, computer-aided design, and what other subject?Chemistry.Show Answer3: What is the mobile version of the game called?Minecraft Earth.Show Answer4: The achievement system is known as 'trophies' on Playstation ports. What is it called in the Java Editions?Advancements.Show Answer5: The game follows a day and night cycle. How long does one full cycle last in real-time?20 minutes.Show Answer6: True or False: there are 2 alternative dimensions to play in, besides the main world.True (The Nether and the End).Show Answer7: How many players can play together, at the same time, on Minecraft Realms?Show Answer8: What item do you need to make all of the potions?Water bottle.Show Answer

Off-Screen Minecraft Trivia Questions and Answers 

So, you may know a lot about playing Minecraft, but how much do you know about the off-screen things to do with this award-winning game?

This round will test your knowledge of the fandom, merchandise, awards, and so much more that, once learned, will truly make you a gaming legend when it comes to Minecraft facts!

How many awards has the game won? How did ⅓ of players learn about the games existence? 

And, where is Minecraft mandatory in schools?

Find out everything you could possibly want to know about the off-screen life of Minecraft in this round of our trivia. 

1: A school in which country had Minecraft become a mandatory part of its curriculum for all 13-year olds?Show Answer2: There have been enough copies of the game purchased for UK residents to have how many copies each?Show Answer3: What was the game initially going to be called?Cave Game.Show Answer4: How long did it take developers to create the first version of Minecraft?Show Answer5: Which species began due to a coding error?Creeper - it was initially a pig gone wrong!Show Answer6: How many BAFTA awards has the game won?Show Answer7: How did ⅓ of players learn about the game's existence?Word of mouth on Social Media - there was very little-to-no advertising for the game initially.Show Answer

Minecraft Gameplay Trivia Questions and Answers

If you’re an avid player of Minecraft, then this is the round you’ve been waiting for!

Showcase your Minecraft gameplay skills and know-how with these super-fun 15 questions.

Or, you could quiz your friends and family to find how much they know about playing Minecraft, what the different species do, how the worlds differ, and so much more. 

The following questions are in random order and are to do with various aspects of gameplay. 

Here we go!

1: What must you use to mine ores and stones?Show Answer2: To make one iron ingot, how many slabs of iron ore do you need?Show Answer3: What is terrified of Ocelots?Show Answer4: When would you fight the Ender Dragon?At the climax of the game.Show Answer5: What problem does tonic cure?Show Answer6: What item can sugar cane make?Show Answer7: As well as hay bales, what else will a Llama eat?Show Answer8: If you swim near a dolphin, what happens?You swim faster.Show Answer9: What do Evokers drop?Totems of Undying.Show Answer10: A Husk is a type of zombie found in only one place. Where is this?Show Answer11: What name is given to a villager who cannot trade?Show Answer12: Axolotl can come in how many different colors?Show Answer13: Which creature has 2 hearts?Show Answer14: What creature can you control with a carrot on a stick?Show Answer15: An ink sac is dropped by which defeated animal?Show Answer

Just for Kids Minecraft Trivia Questions and Answers 

Although the average Minecraft gamer is, in fact, 24, studies show that 53% of children aged between 6 and 8 and 68% of children aged between 9 and 12 are actively playing the game today. 

That’s a lot of children! 

If you’re a younger child, or the parent of a younger child, who is currently enjoying this game, then you may like this round of our trivia. 

With easier questions than other rounds, our Just for Kids section is a quick-fire round that won’t take up too much of your time. 

We know you’d likely prefer to be playing Minecraft over being questioned about it. 

But bear with us till the end; you never know what you may discover

1: Which of the following cannot be tamed: wolf, chicken, ocelot, horse?Show Answer2: What is the main objective of the game?To kill the Ender Dragon.Show Answer3: Are the shapes in 2D, 3D, or 5D?Show Answer4: How many sets of wool must you have to make a bed?Show Answer5: How many types of flowers are there?Show Answer6: What color is Steve's outfit?Show Answer

Ultimate Minecraft Trivia Questions and Answers 

Now for the ultimate Minecraft trivia! 

Noobs need not apply! 

You may have done well till this point, but now we’re truly going to test your level of expertise. 

With some of the hardest Minecraft questions around, this round will certainly challenge even the elite gamer. 

Good luck! 

1: Java Edition 1.0.0 added the dark dimension. What was this called?Show Answer2: To create 1 iron pickaxe, what materials do you need?2 sticks and 2 iron ingots.Show Answer3: After which update was cross-platform play enabled?Better Together Update.Show Answer4: The sounds made by Ghasts come from what real animal?Show Answer5: For how much did Microsoft purchase Minecraft in 2014?$2.5 billion.Show Answer6: What language is Enderman?English backwards!Show Answer7: What is the rarest item in Minecraft?Dragon egg.Show Answer

More Minecraft Trivia Fun – Video 

That’s the end of our Minecraft Trivia challenge! We hope you discovered some new info about this award-winning game. If you want to learn about another topic, here’s some trivia you may enjoy:

Thanks for playing! We hope you join us again soon for a brand new trivia challenge! 
